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Review/앱 App

무서운 앱.. Stealth Tone 아이들 쫓아내기?

by InvestorX 2012. 12. 4.

아래를 읽어보면 Stealth Tone 에 관한 간략한 설명이 되어 있는데 요점을 정리하자면 이 앱은 애초 목적부터 웃긴 앱이다. 20대 이상은 거의 들을 수 없는데 아이들이나 청소년들은 매우 큰 소리로 들릴 수 있다는 이야기. 옆집에서 너무 시끄럽게 떠들거나 집 안에서 너무 조용히 있고 싶은데 다른 집 어른들이나 기타 등등의 귀찮음을 감수할 필요없이 이 앱을 틀어놓기만 하면 된다는 것!

근데 개인적으로 혹시 조금 위험한 것은 아닌가 생각해보았다. 틀어놓고 뭐지? 하면서 살펴보다가 스피커쪽에 귀를 갖다대니까 뭔가 주파수 소리가 삐- 하고 났다. 오 이건 소음이야. 귀에 무슨 장애를 일으키는 것은 아닌가.. 생각도 들었다. 

How to Use the Stealth Tone IPhone App

StuckPixel, Inc. has a new application for the iPhone and iPod touch (if it has speakers, or it should work through the headphones). This application is a clone of the many other apps that make an annoying sound at a high frequency. This particular app is call Stealth Tone. The description states that "20+ year olds cannot hear!" They are referring to the high frequency tone that is played when the app is activated.

The app can be useful for getting teenagers or kids to quiet down, or even leave an area. The noise is very loud and annoying to most people. On the other hand, it is useful to play pranks or annoy your friends or siblings. Since most adults cannot hear it, it can be very fun to mess with other kids without having the risk of getting in trouble. Additionally, the app comes with different modes and tones that can be useful in unique situations.

There is the standard, constant tone that is turned on by pressing the activate button. Keep in mind that if you have an iPhone, you need to take the phone off of silent in order for this to work. On the same note, turn the volume all the way up to optimize performance. There is also a dropping tone. This tone sounds like a bomb or grenade falling in an old cartoon, just more annoying. The frequency of the tone changes slowly to make this effect. This tone will play in a cycle so you don't have to worry about reactivating this tone

There are also two cool modes that can be helpful in order to be more secretive or tricky with this app. The first is the alarm mode. When you press alarm, be sure that the device will stay still and steady. The sound will come on once someone touches the screen or moves the device. This can be nice if you are leaving your phone somewhere nearby for a moment. If somebody tries to steal it, you will know by the alarm. However, in my opinion the alarm is too sensitive and is set off way too easily. This is due to the extreme accuracy of the accelerometer in the device. The last mode is a timer mode. By pressing the timer button a new screen comes up. You are given the option of a 3, 10, 30, or 60 second detonation. Select a time, then watch as the seconds tick away. Once it hits zero, the tone will play just like normal. To stop the alarm, press the screen with three fingers at once. To stop the timer, simply press the activate button at the top left.

Overall, this is app is pretty cool and easy to use. Although it is basically a clone of other apps that play similar annoying tones, this one has interesting modes, but only two different tones. On the upside, the app is free from the app store so if you don't like it, you haven't lost any money!

Source: StuckPixel, Inc., Stealth Tone description, App Store

출처:    http://voices.yahoo.com/how-stealth-tone-iphone-app-4994528.html